
The following is a revised order of events.





Colonial and Independence Divisions

Throwing Events – 3:30, Jumping Events – 3:30 Running Events – 4:30

Running Events (Independence followed by Colonial) – 4:30 Start.

400m IH (Independence/Colonial. Boys followed by Colonial/Independence Girls

100 Trials (B/G)

1600 Girls

100 Finals (B/G)

1600 Boys

400 (B/G)

100m/110m High hurdle trials (B/G)

800 (Girls)

100m/110m High Hurdle final (Girls-Boys)

800 (Boys)

200 (B/G)

3200 (B/G)

Relays (B/G)

Field Events

Throwing Events – 3:30 Start

See attached order of events

Jumping Events – 4:00 Start

Long Jump:          Girls followed by Boys

                                75 Minute Open Pit – Combined Independence & Colonial

                                Followed by Independence Finals then Colonial Finals

Triple Jump:         Boys followed by Girls

                                75 Minute Open Pit – Combined Independence & Colonial

                                Followed by Colonial Finals then Independence Finals

High Jump:      Girls (Combined Independence & Colonial) – Opening Height 4’ 2”

                             Boys (Combined Independence & Colonial)– Opening height 5 ’2”                                                                        The bar will go up in 2” increments

Pole Vault:            Boys Combined Divisions followed by Girls Combined Divisions

                                Opening height determined by officials at the event

                                Heights increasing by 1”’ to 8’6” and the 6” thereafter.


Facility opens at  7:30am

American and Liberty Divisions

All field  Events – 9:00AM, Running Events – 10:00 AM

Running Events Liberty followed by American – 10:00 Start.

400m IH (Liberty/American Boys followed by Liberty/American Girls.)

100 Trials (BG)

1600 Girls

100 Finals (B/G)

1600 Boys

400 (B/G)

100m/110m High hurdle trials (B/G)

800 (Girls)

100m/110m High Hurdle final (Girls-Boys)

800 (Boys)

200 (B/G)

3200 (B/G)

Relays (B/G)

Field Events 9:00 Start

Throwing Events

See attached order of events

Jumping Events

Long Jump:          Girls followed by Boys 75 Minute Open Pit – Combined Liberty &

                                  American.  Followed by American Finals then Liberty Finals

Triple Jump:         Boys followed by Girls 75 Minute Open Pit – Combined Liberty &

                                American.  Followed by Liberty Finals then American Finals

High Jump:           Girls (Combined Liberty & American) – Opening Height 4’ 2”

                                  Boys (Combined Liberty & American)– Opening height 5 ’2”                                                                    The bar will go up in 2” increments

Pole Vault:            Boys Combined Divisions followed by Girls Combined Divisions

                                          Opening height determined by officials at the event

                                           Heights increasing by 1”’ to 8’6” and the 6” thereafter.

Super Essex Conference

Order of Field Events

May 13 and 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

3:30    Boys Javelin               Colonial & Independence will throw together in trials.

                                                Finals will be competed separately.

            Girls SP                       Independence & Colonial will throw together in trials.

                                                   Finals will be competed separately.

5:00*   Girls Javelin                Independence & Colonial will throw together in trials.

                                                Finals will be competed separately

            Boys Discus              Colonial & Independence will throw together in trials.

                                                Finals will be competed separately

            Boys SP                      Independence & Colonial will throw together in trials.

                                                Finals will be competed separately

6:30*   Girls Discus                Colonial & Independence will throw together in trials.

                                                    Finals will be competed separately

*Approximate time.  

Saturday, May 14, 2016

9:00    Boys Javelin               American trials followed by finals

                                                    Liberty trials followed by finals

            Girls SP                       Liberty trials followed by finals

                                                   American trials followed by finals

11:15* Girls Javelin                Liberty trials followed by finals

                                                  American trials followed by finals

            Boys Discus              American trials followed by finals

                                                Liberty trials followed by finals

            Boys SP                      Liberty trials followed by finals

American trials followed by finals

1:30*   Girls Discus                American trials followed by finals

                                                    Liberty trials followed by finals     

*Approximate time.